Boost your immune system to cope with your unique stress responses during this challenging lockdown.

Aloha, my name is Benedick Howard and since the 1980’s I’ve been health coaching clients to do the impossible with my individualized (and uncommon) strategies.

This is for you if you feel any of the following:
Stress, Anxiety, Low energy, Tiredness, Insomnia, Confusion, Negativity, Frustration, Depression.

Boost your immune system and master lockdown stress so that you have the energy and clarity to take charge of your life, Right Now!
No purchase needed
(donations appreciated)

and earn prizes for:
Completing tips
Making referrals
Weekly group coaching

I was able to sleep and it’s the first time I am experiencing this relief! I used to get up every 1/2 hour. This is is a breakthrough for me. I shared my link to win a free consult with you.

Humaid Alghazel, Sharjah, UAE

I went from desperate to hopeful – break through week.

Scott Holmquist, Dewitt, NY

It’s good for me and my condition – definitely progress. I recommend this to others with similar condition.

Simon Lee, Hong Kong, SAR

  “I am making progress, my voice is stronger, stress levels dropped. I am really relaxing, this is a game changer”

Claudia, retired Senior Leader of Navy Intelligence, USA

You’re helping people, I start to make the best of myself too.

Dr Roberto Giradi MD., Bologna Italy

My 5 Boost Your Immune System expert health coaching tips will get you energized so that you can stay healthy during the LockDown to get you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically empowered, safely at home, at the same time wash away Stress, Anxiety, Low energy, Tiredness, Insomnia, Confusion, Negativity, Frustration, Depression and boost your immunity, quickly and naturally for FREE.

In my first email I will show you how in 5 minutes or less you can get energized, grounded, invigorated, bushy tailed, boost your energy and immune system and even reduce pain without herbs, supplements, pretzel yoga poses, sweaty exercise routines, naturally.

My 5 Immune boosting health coaching tips (hiding in plain site, that previously I’ve only shared with my health coaching clients) are essential “do at home routines” that you need to know so that you have the energy and clarity to confidently take charge of your life. Right Now!

Bottom line, my desire is to help you create vibrantly health for you and your friends.
Please share the referral link you’ll get, with your friends to enter to win a private 1-on-1 consult with me (regularly $300 but worth maybe 100x more), for FREE.

Get my Expert Health Coaching Tips
To Boost Your Immune System

Immunity Benefits vs Non Action Consequences

  • Boost your immune system naturally vs increased sickness
  • Squash depression, anxiety and negativity vs black hole depression
  • Improved sleep vs rough nights
  • Increased will power vs being unmotivated and overwhelmed
  • Improved relaxation vs anxiety attacks
  • Increased metabolism vs sluggishness
  • Increased alertness vs fogging out
  • Equanimity vs panic
  • Detox vs increased toxicity and diseases
  • Decrease aches and pain vs worsening aches and pains
  • Reduce swelling and edema vs inflammatory diseases
  • And how to increase mitochondria health vs dangerous mitochondrial collapse and death

I carefully selected the other 4 tips for their amazing natural health benefits so that you can get and stay physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually centered and connected
without spending a dime, in fact you’ll save money doing them and feel GREAT 😌

Benedick keeps healthy with high altitude hiking,
Ashtanga yoga, jogging, playing music with friends,
a mostly vegetarian diet, home grown green smoothies,
sunshine and coaching others maybe like you
to make the best out of your life.

Disclaimer: this is not medical advice, if you need that consult your medical professional.